Our plan is to stay home for the foreseeable future. We are choosing to stay home, not out of fear, for we have already faced that, or because our Governor has asked us to, but because we care about your safety and ours. We care about the people being affected by this pandemic and if the leadership of this country does not set the example then we as citizens must police ourselves. We must look into our hearts as to what is truly important. I don’t want any other family to go through what we have been through for the last 19 days. Raymond wasn’t even severe by Covid standards and yet he almost died. I know, I know, I know wearing a mask, social distancing may feel like an infringement on your civil rights to some of you. I’ve heard your arguments. Don’t wait til you not only have to wear a mask and social distance in public but have to do it in your own home because the Covid is in the house! I can guarantee that is a lot more difficult than the half hour it takes to buy groceries, the five it takes to purchase coffee. Every little sniffle, every little cough, I think this is it. And if you or someone in your home gets it, the world as you know it ceases to exist. Don’t put yourself or those you love at risk. Be safe.
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