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Sunday, September 26, 2021


 The light of my life/our life turns 40 today. This man was not supposed to live through his first night. His APGAR score was 2/4. Babies with an APGAR score of 2/4 rarely survive. And yet here he is 40 years later. He is my miracle baby. The one that made it through. He is also my rainbow baby, born 3 years after I miscarried at 5 months. Born in the land of rainbows in Honolulu, Hawaii, he broke my heart wide open with his birth and he has continued to take my breath away with his presence. He is our Rainbow Warrior.

He has faced more challenges in his 40 years than most of us face in a lifetime. And he has done it with grace, humor and passion. From his very first breath life has been a challenge for him and yet he has never played the role of victim. I have never heard him say why me? At ten years of age with a smile and a wave, he wheeled himself into the operating room and hopped up on the operating table. That’s who he is at his core. Fearless. That is not to say he is without fear. Yet time after time especially as a child he faced those fears over and over again with dignity beyond his years. He is wise. He is kind. He can be stubborn. I am proud of the man he has become. He has not let Life wear him down.

Raymond and I are planners. We never planned that Cory would still be with us 40 years later. Every surgery, every infection, every fever we were sure he was headed Home. He knew long before we did that not only was he surviving, he was thriving! Cory has been the impetus for growth in our family. It is his arrival that put me squarely on the spiritual path that most likely saved my life and for sure gave my life meaning and purpose. He continues to challenge me in the best way to be all I came here to be. He continues to rise to the occasion and in doing so teaches me to do the same.

Happy Birthday, Buddha.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Thank you for this day

May I greet it with the

Eyes, ears, mouth and heart of a child
May I experience the wonder
Of Being
In this magnificent
Physical body

May I experience the world
May I experience the people
And circumstances of the world
Through the eyes of my innocence

I dig deep to find
That place
That place of safety and trust
I dig deep to remember
The innocence
That was once mine
Or perhaps it just floats
To the surface
As I allow myself
To wonder and wander

I AM Holy
I AM Blessed
I AM made in the image
Of the Divine
That means that
I AM perfect
Just as I AM

And that means
That YOU are made in the image
Of the Divine
And YOU are perfect
Just as you are
Right here
Right now
In this moment
Of Holy Bliss
In this moment
Of remembrance

Stay here for a moment
Before you immerse yourself
In the activities of daily living
Stay here and savor
The beauty of this moment
This breath
This smell
This experience

Throughout the day
Go back to this moment
Of holiness before the
Sun is up
While the world sleeps
Revel in the quiet
Bathe in the peace
Of this Holy moment of now

Use this moment of now
To inform
How you move
Through your day

Use this moment of now
To inform how you touch
To inform how you speak
To those you encounter
On your journey on
This blessed day
In this moment
Of blissful recognition
Of the
One True Source

The Divine in me
Sees and honors
The Divine in you
May we meet
In this moment
Of remembrance
Today and everyday

And so it is.