Our journey with coronavirus

Allow yourself to settle in to your bed. Allow yourself to just be present for yourself. Let your breath settle. Allow your anxiety to lift off. Just feel your body receiving the love in the form of prayer that is coming your way right now from all the people who love you so very much. You need to do nothing at all but receive.
Take a breath and feel yourself dropping into your heart. Your heart knows. Your heart knows exactly what you need to be right here right now. Breathing into your heart allowing those waves of love to fill your heart. Allow those waves of love to wash over you inside and out. And as you focus on your heart give thanks to all the love that is being radiated to you from all over this country and even a couple of foreign countries where we have friends.
Give thanks to the medical personnel that are taking such good care of you. Give thanks to the staff of the hospital every department. Fill your heart with gratitude for all the blessings that are being heaped upon you in this moment.
Continue to breathe easily and allow those waves of love ,those ocean waves, gentle ocean waves, coming to you gently, powerfully. See those waves bathing your lungs and bathing your liver. See those incredible loving waves bathing all your organs.
See every cell in your body lit up with the love that is being sent to you in the form of prayer. See the nucleus of every cell lit up. See the cell membrane and cell memory lit up with this love. Love heals. Love transforms. See every structure of the body, the cells of every structure of the body lit up with this divine love. Everyone who loves you is calling on the divine source within them however they name it. So this healing comes from the source of all that is through us to you. this is divine love being channeled to you through our prayers and through our holding space for you.
Again just allowing those waves of divine love to cascade over you and through you. And now my love I ask you to envelop the coronavirus within you with this divine love. Allow this divine love to change the chemistry of this virus. Continue to envelop the virus with love and as you do so know that only love radiates from you. And that love radiating from you transforms those around you and those you think of. You don’t even have to say a word. As you continue allowing those waves to wash over you, see this divine love radiating out onto your floor to your other Covid companions and this love transmutes and transforms the frequency of this virus. in them because the have so many people praying for them too.
We connect to all those praying for all those people in all those hospitals all over the world that are healing from coronavirus. See that all of us who are engaged in loving you and sending you God’s love and light are also being healed and transformed by the very act of sending and praying for you. It heals in us our fears and anxieties. Raymond you are a warrior of love. You are so loved because you are so loving to others. Receive that love now that you so richly deserve. Allow yourself to heal from this place of love.
Use your energy for your healing. Use your energy to do the activities that you need to do to heal your body. Let go of using your energy to fight this disease. The fight is being done by the medicines and by the love and prayer that is flowing to you.You just rest. just rest in the knowledge that you are resting in the divine mercy and the divine grace. Know that Jesus and the divine mother, all the angels and the Saints are with you.
Allow yourself to drift off to sleep. May your sleep be restful, rejuvenating and replenishing.

From the bottom of our hearts Raymond, Cory and I thank you.

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