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Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I created this piece over 15 years ago. It represented my Humanity within the context of my Divinity. I see that it still does. I love how Spirit is making my artwork fresh for me in present time. I am looking at my pieces with new eyes. They are almost a foreshadowing of not only what was important to me at the time that I created it, but how important it would become as I progressed on this journey called LIFE.

Take a Sacred Breath

Breathing, it’s something we take for granted until something brings our awareness to it. It’s one of those functions, such as our heart pumping or our digestive system kicking in, that we just assume will work. We do not give orders for our body to perform these functions, it just knows without conscious direction on our part.

It’s ironic that for a good portion of my life my work has been bringing people into a state of awareness through their breath. Through Rebirthing, massage, Reiki, any body modality I’ve practiced, the breath was at the center. And now, the Sacred Breath is at the center of my life as I live with the awareness of the narrowing of my arterial system leading from my heart to my lungs.

I am hyper conscious of my breath and my heart because I need oxygen upon exertion and my heart rate lets me know when my heart is struggling to oxygenate.

Take a Sacred Breath

Jeff Foster ( posted a beautiful piece entitled Victory at Gesthemane and a video from YouTube called Jesus in Gesthemane ( The message “take this cup from me“ speaks to me on so many levels. It’s a statement I thought about a lot when I was first diagnosed. It’s one I consider as I watch my loved ones and my clients as they suffer through their end-of-life time. It’s a cup I’ve not wanted to drink from so many times in my life and yet, I have, over and over again since childhood. That cup that I mistake for poison has invariably turned out to be the source of birthing yet more Love and Light in myself and out into the world.

Take. A. Sacred. Breath.

 I think back to the birth of my son and if anyone had told me, “your son will be born with the birth defect Spina Bifida.” I would’ve said, “Oh no! Not me! I can’t do this. Take this cup from me.” And I would have missed out on the most extraordinary event of my life. I would have missed out on bearing witness to my heart living outside of my body. I would have missed out on a love so great, I don’t have language for it.

As Jeff Foster so eloquently states:

 “We are all Jesus in Gesthemane. Jesus is a metaphor for Consciousness itself, and it’s passing identification with form.”

He continues:

“Nail me to the Cross and break me! In other words, break me open to Love, Oh Mystery (that I Am), and destroy the false in me and reveal my true nature”.

If you’re still with me, Take. A. Sacred. Breath.

And let those words and their meaning land in your heart.

A small group of us from our Souls Awakening group participated in a healing circle last night where we asked for healing for several people but one person in particular came to the forefront of our circle. This person is in Hospice and currently laboring to birth himself back into the Light from whence he came and where he will once again become aware of his wholeness and wellness. I am sure he wishes “this cup be taken” from him as does the family that he so cherishes.

The healing we received with visuals and songs was so incredibly powerful and beautiful. We were reassured that his journey is opening him and all of us to the Love that he is and that we are. We were shown a Rainbow Bridge that he must cross and an Inbetween where his loved ones can walk with him to the Rainbow Bridge and where his loved ones are waiting for him. He is so loved and he is never alone and neither are we. All of us in the healing circle were so moved by this incredible glimpse into the Mystery.  And at the same time we are saddened by the suffering our friend is experiencing in this birthing process. We hold Sacred Space for this Birthing of Light on both sides of the veil.

Take. A. Sacred. Breath.

I am overwhelmed this morning with the synchronicity of events that transpire when we open to receive the gifts Spirit has for us and are willing to share with others. It opens the door to more synchronicity, more healing, more connection, more love.

Shortly after we had our circle we noticed that during our circle a family member had posted a picture of a bridge. Synchronicity. Someone posted The Rainbow Connection, a song with significant meaning for me personally. It is the ringtone on my phone for my son even though he is 38 years old. He was born in Hawaii (the land of rainbows). I decorated his nursery in rainbows (no baby blue for this baby). Even made a changing table in the shape of a rainbow. Rainbows have come to mean that a significant event is about to transpire. I was birthing a being of light disguised as a baby in a broken body. He was the most whole person I ever encountered. I am grateful of the Rainbow Bridge symbol in our healing last night for I have come to recognize that we are continually birthing the Light of who we are. As we learn and grow and change our perspective or our experiences change them for us, they are but opportunities for birthing more Love. I am touched by the synchronicity of birth and death (which is really birth) and a symbol of hope in the form of a rainbow to remind me of the Sacredness of it all. In the art piece posted with Birthing the Light you will notice that Cory’s face is painted in the colors of the rainbow. He has always been our Rainbow Warrior.

Healing does not always mean cure. Healing means opening yourself up to your experience and accepting your experience and allowing yourself to receive the Love that you are and sharing THAT. It means that those witnessing our suffering have the opportunity to open up their hearts to their experience of bearing witness and caregiving and in doing so honor their pain and are broken open to receive and experience more Love, more healing, more connection, more of the Light of Love that they are.

Take. A. Sacred. Breath.

The Sacred Breath allows me to “digest” the information being given to me. Digestion, another one of those parasympathetic functions we take for granted until it’s not working so great either. Alas, that will have to wait for another blog post.

So Take a Sacred Breath and allow yourself to digest this information. This art piece had a lot to say and I’ve thrown a lot at you today. The eyes on this mask are made of Divine Triangle shaped mirrors. I pray that when you look into my eyes you will see reflected back to you the incredible Light of Love that you are.

Remember that whatever cup you may be drinking from in this moment, it is an invitation into the Great Mystery. It is breaking you open into remembering the totality of who you are. Remember, YOU are the Light of Love made manifest in human form. Give thanks for EVERY Sacred Breath you get to take. You are so very loved and you are never alone.

Take. A. Sacred. Breath


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing and helping us to understand "life" is not what we think it is, but the experience to grow and be prepared for our life after our existence on earth.
